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Antidepressants or running therapy: Comparing effects on mental and physical health in patients with depression and anxiety disorders
Josine E. Verhoeven a, Laura K.M. Han a, Bianca A. Lever-van Milligen a, Mandy X. Hu a, Dóra Révész b, Adriaan W. Hoogendoorn a, Neeltje M. Batelaan a, Digna J.F. van Schaik a, Anton J.L.M. van Balkom a, Patricia van Oppen a, Brenda W.J.H. Penninx a
Journal of Affective Disorders 15.05.2023

Effectiveness of physical activity interventions for improving depression, anxiety and distress: an overview of systematic reviews.
Ben Singh, Timothy Olds, Rachel Curtis, Dorothea Dumuid, Rosa Virgara, Amanda Watson, Kimberley Szeto, Edward O’Connor, Ty Ferguson, Emily Eglitis, Aaron Miatke, Catherine EM Simpson, Carol Maher
BMJ Journals 02.03.2023

School-related physical activity interventions and mental health among children: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Susanne Andermo, Mats Hallgren, Thi-Thuy-Dung Nguyen, Sofie Jonsson, Solveig Petersen, Marita Friberg, Anja Romqvist, Brendon Stubbs & Liselotte Schäfer Elinder
Sports Medicine – Open volume 6, Article number: 25 (juni 2020)

Psychische gezondheid, bewegen en sport: De rol van bewegen en sport voor mensen met (ernstige) psychische klachten.
Ooms, L., Dool, R. van den & Elling, A. (2020)
Factsheet 2020/9, Utrecht: Mulier Instituut.

Het effect van sport en bewegen op angst- en paniekstoornissen en stress.
B. Gras
Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, HAN SENECA
Geplaatst: 26 maart 2020, De Auteur(s) 2020

Can high-intensity interval training improve physical and mental health outcomes? A meta-review of 33 systematic reviews across the lifespan
Rebecca Martland, Valeria Mondelli, ,Fiona Gaughran & Brendon Stubbs
Accepted 13 Dec 2019, Published online: 31 Dec 2019

The impact of depression and anxiety treatment on biological aging and metabolic stress: study protocol of the MOod treatment with antidepressants or running (MOTAR) study.
Lever-van Milligen, B. A., Verhoeven, J. E., Schmaal, L., van Velzen, L. S., Révész, D., Black, C. N., … & Penninx, B. W. (2019)
BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), 1-11

Physical activity protects from incident anxiety: A meta‐analysis of prospective cohort studies
Felipe B. Schuch PhD Brendon Stubbs PhD Jacob Meyer PhD Andreas Heissel PhD Philipp Zech MsC Davy Vancampfort PhD Simon Rosenbaum PhD Jeroen Deenik PhD Joseph Firth PhD Philip B. Ward PhD Andre F. Carvalho PhD Sarah A. Hiles PhD (2019)
Depression & Anxiety – Volume 36, Issue 6 / June 2019

Exercise as treatment for anxiety: systematic review and analysis
Stonerock, G. L., Hoffman, B. M., Smith, P. J., & Blumenthal, J. A. .
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 49(4), 542-556. – 2015

A Meta-Meta-Analysis of the effect of physical activity on depression and anxiety in non-clinical adult populations
Rebar AL1, Stanton R, Geard D, Short C, Duncan MJ, Vandelanotte C.
Health Psychol Rev. 2015 Mar 5:1-78.

Exercise for the treatment of depression and anxiety
Peter J Carek, Sarah E Laibstain, Stephen M Carek
Review Int J Psychiatry Med . 2011

The effect of exercise training on anxiety symptoms among patiënts. A systematic review.
Herring, M.P., O’Connor, P.J. & Dishman, R.K. (2010).
Archives of Internal Medicine, 170(4), 321-331

Zie ook de literatuurlijst Anxiety
uit SPARK: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain.